


Welcome to my homepage


This is where you can learn everything about my offers and services for music, teaching (in-person or online), and audio engineering.




Since the 03/04/2024, I can call myself a certified

"Modern Vocal Training" Level 2 Coach!

In March 2025 I will start with the

Level 3 certification according to MVT

Next Workshops:



- 24/11/2024 "Introduction to Extreme Vocal Effects I" for the Level 3 Modern Vocal Training Teacher Certification Course.

- 01/12/2024 "Introduction to Extreme Vocal Effects II" for the Level 3 Modern Vocal Training Teacher Certification Course.

- 08/12/2024 "Voice Clinic of Extreme Vocal Effects I" for the Level 3 Modern Vocal Training Teacher Certification Course.



-11th until 19th August: European Vocal Camp in Poland


Information for the Vocal Camp:

My new Vocal Cover is now available on Youtube! Dream Theater's "Another Day"

The song with my former band "Sceptor" with me as singer 🤘🏻😎🤟🏻

Interested in modern singing lessons for jazz/pop or rock singing?

Click here for the info:

The first vocal cover for 2022! This time power metal with Helloween's song Dr. Stein! A great song as an example of mixed vocals completely in the hard rock and metal style of the 80s!

Want to discover and develop metal singing techniques like growling, shouting, screaming, distortion and many more? Click here for the info on metal singing lessons:

In addition to singing jazz/pop or rock, also want to learn the basics for guitar or piano to accompany yourself or to realize your own song ideas?

Click here for the offers: 

Review your own mixes in a professional environment and receive personalized feedback and tips. Click here for Mix Coaching:

My metal singing lessons aren't based only on experience, but also on scientific research! Click here to go to the research page:


Want to get your song mixed or get professional feedback and support for producing in pop, rock, singer/songwriter or metal? Check out my audio sections:

Have a look what others say about my offerings!

And contact me directly!

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